Facials in New Canaan, CT

Kailey action shot facial Merry Thornton
facial room Merry Thornton

The Elemental Facial

The Elemental Facial is customized for each client at the time of the service. Every facial is unique, and each session will vary according to your skin’s specific requirements at that time. Due to the personalized nature of each treatment, facials typically take 45-60 minutes. For your first treatment, please expect us to use the full 60 minutes so that we can properly assess your skin and recommend the correct treatment.

60 minute duration

Signature Hydrafacial

Our Signature Hydrafacial is a non-invasive treatment that delivers immediate results for all skin types with no downtime. Hydrafacial uses suction and exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and extract impurities while delivering the cleaning, hydrating, and moisturizing serums to the skin. The treatment is relaxing, refreshing, and non-irritating. Skin is glowing immediately after treatment.

30 minute duration

Deluxe Hydrafacial

This customized treatment includes all the essentials of the Signature Hydrafacial while addressing your specific concerns with a corrective booster. Boosters may address issues including pigmentation, dehydration, lines, and wrinkles. Blue and red LED therapy are included to target oil, congestion, aging, and inflammation.

45 minute duration

Platinum Hydrafacial

Our Platinum Hydrafacial treatment includes all the essentials of the Deluxe Hydrafacial with the addition of lymphatic drainage. People of all ages and skin types benefit from lymphatic drainage, which is known to lift and contour for an instantly sculpted look. This facial reduces puffiness and redness and works to detoxify and optimize skin health.

60 minute duration


Dermaplaning is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that involves scraping off dead skin cells and peach fuzz with a scalpel to leave your face brighter and smoother.

30 minute duration


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Office Details

Office Hours

Mon: 10 - 5
Tue: 10 - 5
Wed: 10 - 5
Thu: 10 - 4
Fri: 10 - 5
Sat: By Appointment

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